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Green Lantern

Green Lantern Symbol

In a far off galaxy, soaring past 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, 43 milkyways, 27 black holes and 15 undiscovered planets, there lies a place of hope. This planet, called Oa, is the center battery source for the bold and the brave, the Green Lanterns. With a count of 3,600 Green Lanterns, they are each assigned a sector of the universe, protecting the innocent and batteling evil. As a distant voice is heard as a faint whisper, these words paint the colors on a canvas of justice...
"When day is bright...
...or is it night?
No... ah...
...something or other
will escape my sight...
...let those who...who...
Let all those looking for a fight...
...something something something...
Green Lantern's light."

Haha...just kidding. *ahem*
"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
I want to welcome you to my site devoted to The Green Lantern Corps. This site contains biographies, pictures, information, and links to Green Lantern related sites. I do not take credit for anything on this site. I have found my information and pictures from other sites. The links I have up are from the sites I've gathered my information on this one super site. While I have yet to have a home for all 3,600 Green Lanterns and their enemies, I am continuously adding them. So please check back to see more pictures and profiles. Thank you again for stopping by.

Green Lanterns

Kyle Rayner

Last Updated: May 24, 2008

This web site, its operator, and any content contained on this site relating to Green Lantern are not authorized by DC Comics. Green Lantern © 2003 DC Comics

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Green Lantern